The Quickcell Technology Products Insulated Prestressed Flooring System consists of pre-tensioned concrete units designed for use as simply supported one way slabs for floors and roofs.
Manufactured to fit any building plan, QTP's Insulated Prestressed Flooring System is highly competitive in cost with all other types of flooring.
In addition, the IP Flooring System has numerous cost-saving and practical advantages such as; low sound transmission, fire resistance, high thermal properties and speed of construction on site.
This system is manufactured in 1.2m and 2.4m modules, with different depths of 160mm and up to 420mm. This would accomodate a prop free span of up to 17m.
Longer spans are available on request.
Easily adapted to any plan. Service holes may be cast or cut into IP floors without reducing its conformity to stringent performance specifications. Inclusion of in-floor heating and other services is simple and IP can be used as a stair soffit.
Panels can be made to accommodate cantilevers.
Average IP floors of 120 square meters can be erected in approximately 1 hour based on the type of crane used.
Many years of experience with Insulated Prestressed floors in construction industry prove beyond doubt it is more than comparable in cost to other types of flooring. There are also several secondary savings e.g. the composite floor provides lateral support for the wall and there can often be a saving in the reinforcement and return walls.
The IPF system is truly maintenance free. The soffit is perfectly flat and can be left untreated. Painted of decorative spraying of the soffit can be undertaken to match colour schemes.
In keeping with the increasing demand for 'quieter' homes IPF's low sound transmission is a major feature.
Completely non-combustible Insulated Prestressed floor will confine rather than contribute to any fire. Insulated Prestressed floor is used with fully bonded topping concrete to form composite structural sections. The thickness of topping varies according to span and loading. IP floors provide a flat and smooth soffit due to wet casting and steel off forms. Toppings are normally reinforced with mesh and provide diaphragm action for resistance to lateral loads.
In accordance with the recommendations of the AS 3600 the IP slab provides a 2 hour or 3 hour fire resistance rating. (Higher fire resistance ratings are available)
Standard slabs are 1190mm and 2390 wide. Slabs of less than standard widths can be provided.
Standard slabs are provided with lifting eyes, but no other embedded items, holes or rebates.
Holes, inserts, special end shapes, rebates etc. can be provided by arrangement. Small holes are better drilled at site and are subject to designer's approval.
Minimum bearing length allowed is 75mm. Longer bearing length may be required in accordance to structural requirement.